[Ubuntu-be] VMware & printer

Maxim Winckelmans maxim.winckelmans at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 21:14:38 GMT 2006

This problem is known with the newest kernel versions starting by 2.6.18 I

2006/12/15, Ismael Demiddel <ismael.demiddel at telenet.be>:
> Hello
> I wanted to install VMware on Linux so can still do my work for school
> with and install Windows.. But ther is a problem with VMware, or me.
> He doesn't find the kernel and the subdirectory "linux" and if I typ in
> the directory he doesnt want to take it. It has to be
> in /usr/src/linux/include/ but with me it is in /usr/include/linux/ .
> I have tried to copy paste it (with root off course) an reïnstall, but
> nothing worked. The program is on my desktop, but if I try to open it,
> it crashes. Probably because it isn't fully installed...
> I also have a problem with my printer. I can print, but when my brother
> tries to print, he doesn't recognize him. I can share files with his
> computer (windows xp) without any problems. But when he tries to print,
> it doesn't work. I have Samba and the printer is shared, the Windows pc
> of my brother recognizes me in the network.
> The printer is atached to my Linux (edubuntu LTS 6.06) computer.
> Briefly:
>         -VMware -> can't find my source kernel (headers are installed)
>         -Printer -> can't print from a Windows XP computer in
> the                                       network
> (on his computer he can see me, share files and if my computer is in
> Windows, it works.. so nothing wrong with the connection
> Can someone help me, please?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards.
> Ismaël Demiddel
> Belgian Edubuntu Team
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