[Ubuntu-be] Bounty : Guidelines and examples of Belgian eID authentication in open source ? Re: ....
Etienne Saliez
etienne at saliez.be
Sat Dec 16 12:35:47 GMT 2006
Nicolas, thank you very much for your message below.
I need also a good interface to the Belgian eID, in Open Source, and probably
other Belgians have the same question, since the problem is of common
My own projects involve professional healthcare providers, as well patients.
In the coming months I have myself not enough time nor experience to study
that questions in details.
Since this is currently a belgo-belgian issue, we cannot expect that Ubuntu
International would give much priority to such a local problem, although more
generic versions will probably follow later.
In order to support that project I propose a call for a "bounty".
As a start I propose to give a donation of 500 Euros and I invite other people
to join and maybe to add even more resources, either in currency or in kind
finding time to contribute.
Summary of the requirements:
- ( 1 ) A practical userguide about authentication by means of Belgian
Electronic Identity card in Open Source, and intended for not very
experienced informaticians.
- ( 2 ) Recommendations about several possible card readers, including
options for autonomous external card readers containing keypad and check
procedures not accessible from the host machine.
- ( 3 ) Working examples:
The objective is to be able to authenticate the user by means of his Belgian
Electronic Identity Card, in relation with an LDAP and in principle in the
scope of VPN networks and web based approaches.
- ( 4 ) An approach as a kind of "extreme programming", i.e. :
(1) First make a test program calling a function and testing the results.
(2) A the other side the functions doing the job.
- ( 5 ) The demos have to be made in or be compatible with at least 3 usual
and platform independent programming languages, as PHP, Python, Java, ....
- ( 6 ) Guidelines for installation in at least Ubuntu-Kubuntu environments
and if possible also in other distributions or even other platforms.
- ( 7 ) Timing:
Proposals are expected to be discussed until 22 Januari 2007 and agreement
with a team of a few persons will be confirmed.
The resullts of the project should be ready not later than the 31 of March
( In open source every dream is possible, but the question is when it will
become available ! ).
-( 8 ) Open Source and preference for a GPL licence.
Copies addressed to :
- " ubuntu-be "
- Felix KLEE coordinator of the " TagTrade " portal in Germany
- Gerd MICHALKE, open source version of the Walloon healthcare network, RSW,
Réseau Santé Wallon, http://www.reseausantewallon.be/
- Joel LAMBILLOTE : shared open source project for municipalities,
- Fabien PINCKAERTS, http://tiny.be/
- Frédéric DESCAMPS, http://www.x-tend.be/
- ........... and feel free to forward this message to any others who could be
interested in providing suggestions, sponsoring and/or solutions.
Etienne Saliez
etienne at saliez.be
tel 0-26541759 or skype " saliez "
On Saturday 16 December 2006 01:10, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote:
> Le 15/12/06, Laurent Bigonville<l.bigonville at edpnet.be> a écrit :
> > Pour pouvoir l'utiliser en compagnie de firefox, il te faut le paquet
> > libopensc2 et il faut après configurer firefox dans les
> > "Périphériques de sécurité" et ajouter un périphérique
> > (/usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so). Je viens d'essayer à l'instant et ça
> > marche.
> >
> > Alternativement tu peux utiliser le module du gouvernement (les
> > changements fait par le Fedict on été inclus upstream donc je pense que
> > c'est kifkif...) qui se trouve dans le paquet libbeidlibopensc2 et en
> > lançant "firefox /usr/share/beid/beid-pkcs11-register.html"
> et pour le commun des mortels, pas bidouilleur pour un sous dont la
> ubuntu a été installée par un ami qui haite à 100 km, comment cela se
> passe ?
> Si ce n'est pas aussi facile que sous M$ on va encore se faire remettre au
> pas !
> Donc, merci beaucoup pour vos messages et vos rappels que ce sont des
> questions très sérieuses à aborder dans notre joli contexte belge. Et
> si on pouvait avoir dans Ubuntu feisty par exemple une solution hyper
> simple, ce serait génial.
> Merci
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
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