[Ubuntu-BD] Potential Analysis: Custom Offline Repo
Shabab Mustafa
shabab at linux.org.bd
Thu Jul 29 07:40:04 BST 2010
2010/7/29 সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার <toshazed at gmail.com>
> আমি keyrx দিয়ে অফলাইন ইন্সটলার তৈরী করে সেটাকে সিডি বা ডিভিডিতে বার্ন করে
> দিতে পরামর্শ দিচ্ছি। যেহেতু এটা একটা জীপ আর্কাইভ এবং পেনড্রাইভে নিয়ে
> ব্যবহার
> করাটা সহজ ফলে এটা যে কোন লিনাক্স কিংবা উইন্ডোজ যে কোন পিসি থেকেই সহজে
> আপগ্রেড করে নিতে পারা যায়। আর অফলাইন ইন্সটলার প্যাকেজ তৈরী করে বলে
> ডিপেন্ডেন্সির সব হ্যাপা keyrx ই নিজ দ্বায়িত্বে সামলায়।
I am well aware of both Keryx and APTonCD. Keyrx is a different thing.
Offline repo mirrors can handles dependencies, too. And the problem with
Keyrx that I have figured out personally is it's short span of life. Who can
keep an pen drive engaged for a long time, with 2 GB data? (Similar problem
as Live USBs). I think Keyrx is more suitable for the people who has a
personal computer and have access to a common internet connection outside
Another practical constraint I have faces with Keyrx personally is it's
profiling problem. I wanted to give some software to one of my friends who
don't have an internet connection in home. So, first I had to download Keyrx
and set up to my pen drive. Then went to his home to profile his Mint
Machine. Then again came back to my home. Downloaded all the packages over
night and next day again went to his place and Started to install the
packages. Then a funny thing happened. Suddenly power went out. And very
naturally the installation got corrupted (his old UPS couldn't hold for it
more than 3 mins). When power came back, it was showing broken packages.
Then I tried to re-install, it said to first fix the broken packages before
any other installation. When tried to fix the broken packages, it was trying
to get some other packages (dependencies) from Internet. Later I was able to
solve the problem with other hacks and tricks. But not everyone is that much
expert to troubleshoot this kind of problems.
Anyway, thanks for you suggestion. I really appreciate it. Please let me
know if anything else comes in mind.
Thank you.
Shabab Mustafa
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