Local activity suggestion: face-to-face technical gatherings
gandella at gmail.com
Mon May 17 00:02:21 BST 2010
Hi Paul,
What an good Idea ?
(This is the constructive thinking that this group needs at the
instead of the finger pointing and veiled comments about certain
in this community from people who need serious attitude re-
Technical meetings are good things to have, as social gatherings
be just that (although technical question inevitably come up because
of the nature of the beast).
Now that we have established that there is a growing group of people
that do use Ubuntu we can pursue these objectives.
On your questions Paul,
1. Yes is a good thing and I would attend more than 2 meetings a
(There are two releases per year)
2. Yes I would consider giving a talk.
3. Tough one at the moment, a central location is good but other
areas would be better. (Maybe it could be rotational)
4. HUMBUG at the University of QLD, meet most of the criteria, however
we would
probably need to become members and liaise with their Executive.
Public libraries are good venues (usually have free meeting rooms),
however I'm not sure about Internet connectivity.
Other thoughts:
1. Could you put your thoughts on the WIKI under the Brisbane sub-
(so we have a permanent record of them)
2. Another meeting type that we should consider is though IRC.
If we could hijack the ubuntu-au channel for one evening per month so
we could
have a live discussion about BRISBANE issues.
GO BRISBANE lets lead the way!
Andrew G.
On May 16, 3:23 pm, Paul Gear <p... at libertysys.com.au> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've enjoyed the face-to-face meetings we've had in Brisbane recently
> [1][2], and i'm wondering if a valuable activity leading back towards
> re-approval might be to hold technical gatherings more regularly (i'm
> thinking monthly, in the months where we don't have the social
> meetings). Some initial thoughts on about such meetings:
> * Location:
> o family-friendly venue
> o central location
> o free parking
> o close to public transport
> o easy access to coffee/food (or at least facilities to
> prepare such)
> o free/very cheap wireless Internet access
> o preferably a local Ubuntu mirror
> * Activities:
> o install-fests
> o informal technical talks about things we're working on
> o share problems or concerns and try to solve them
> o accessible to all levels of technical expertise (no elitist
> developers excluding newbies)
> o open to potential Ubuntu users as well as actual Ubuntu users
> o log our actions on IRC and/or wiki
> I would be willing to organise something like this on a semi-regular
> basis (say once per quarter). I'm sure i could talk my church into
> hosting it, but it fails on the central location, and the ADSL speed is
> not great.
> A few questions for you all to ponder:
> * Is this a useful thing? Would you attend more than 1 meeting per
> year?
> * Would you be willing to contribute an informal talk if you did attend?
> * Would a central location be essential, or would multiple meetings
> in different geographical areas work better?
> * Do you know of any good venues?
> * Any other thoughts/suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
> [1]http://www.ubuntu.org.au/node/69
> [2]http://www.ubuntu.org.au/brisbane-lucid-release-party
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