Local activity suggestion: face-to-face technical gatherings

Paul Gear paul at libertysys.com.au
Mon May 17 02:24:52 BST 2010

On 17/05/10 09:02, AndrewG wrote:
> ...
> 3. Tough one at the moment, a central location is good but other 
> geographical areas would be better. (Maybe it could be rotational)

Perhaps we could start with rotational and see how it goes.

> 4. HUMBUG at the University of QLD, meet most of the criteria, however 
> we would probably need to become members and liaise with their Executive.

I did consider that, but as far as i'm concerned, UQ fails on the 
"central location" criteria (it's a pain to get to from most places on 
the Northside, Bayside, or far Southside).  And i can't confirm it first 
hand, but i've heard from others that it is not too good on the 
"accessible to all levels of technical expertise" criteria as well.  And 
because it includes all Unix-like systems (even Mac), then i think its 
topics are a little bit less focused than i'd like (see 

> Public libraries are good venues (usually have free meeting rooms), 
> however I'm not sure about Internet connectivity.

Worth looking into.  If we get some more interest, perhaps we can look 
into trying something in, say, July.

> Other thoughts:
> 1. Could you put your thoughts on the WIKI under the Brisbane sub-page 
> (so we have a permanent record of them)

I've put them here: 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/LocalMeetings and added 
links from 
and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Brisbane

> 2. Another meeting type that we should consider is though IRC.
> If we could hijack the ubuntu-au channel for one evening per month so 
> we could have a live discussion about BRISBANE issues.

I think that's on-topic enough that we could hijack it without needing 
to worry too much, except for ensuring we don't clash with other meetings.


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