Evolution "error while synchronising inbox"

Mitch Towner mitch.towner.ubuntu at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 07:49:08 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 14/06/10 16:38, WasserLand wrote:
> Mitch,
> I am most grateful for the attention and detail you have provided.
> While you were doing that I was laboriously emptying, in turn, each
> Evolution folder that protested with the "error while synchronising"
> message.
> I emptied them to separate temp folders and found that the original
> folder, now empty, would correct itself.  The I moved the files back to
> their original folders and had to restart Evolution each time.  But now
> it seems to be working correctly.
> The procedure (below) you have provided will nevertheless be very
> useful.  Thanks again.
> Dave W
> On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 15:53 +1000, Mitch Towner wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 14/06/10 15:14, WasserLand wrote:
>>> No Mitch, that didn't help I'm afraid.
>>> I have a notion that I might need to re-install Evolution.  How would I
>>> go about that without losing my mail?
>>> David W
>> Hi Dave,
>> The procedure to backup evolution is outlined at
>> http://www.go-evolution.org/FAQ#How_can_I_completely_backup_evolution.3F
>> Basically it says that if you are using evolution > 2.22 (i.e. the
>> version included in Ubuntu from Hardy onwards) then do the following to
>> backup Evolution:
>> 1. Ensure you have the "Backup and Restore" plugin enabled in Edit ->
>> Plugins -> Backup and Restore - this should already be enabled by
>> default in Ubuntu.
>> 2. Re-install Evolution. This can be done using Synaptic Package Manager.
>> 2a. In Synaptic, search for "evolution"
>> 2b. Click on the checkbox to the left of the "Package" field & select
>> "Mark for re-installation"
>> 2c. Select "apply"
>> 3. After Evolution has been re-installed, use File->Backup Settings and
>> File->Restore Settings (from within Evolution) to restore the backup you
>> made earlier.
>> I hope this helps
>> Warm Regards,
>> Mitch Towner (kermiac)
>> http://mitchtowner.net/

Hi Dave
I am just glad to hear that your problem is now resolved  :) I know how
much we all rely on email these days & when an email client starts
playing up it can be very frustrating.

Warm Regards,
Mitch Towner (kermiac)
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