Wanna create a Linux dist

Daniel Mons daniel.mons at iinet.net.au
Mon Jan 5 22:49:01 GMT 2009

Julius wrote:
> Hello, I need help on how to create a Linux dist. All answers acerpted thanksJulius <julzzz2 at yahoo.com.au>

There have been some excellent responses already to this.  I'll chime in
 and ask one question: why do you want to do this?

I think it's a good question to start with, simply because by asking it
you might come up with alternatives to rolling your own distro.

Say for instance you merely want a set of packages unique to your needs,
perhaps there's another way around it?  I have one client running an
all-Ubuntu shop (desktops and servers) who had a long list of custom
packages that they wanted installed by default.  The concept of a custom
distro came up in conversation, until they realised what sort of
maintenance that required over the long term.

Instead they opted for a custom repo with meta packages.  These packages
could be maintained far more easily, and have dependencies for them that
were satisfied from official repos.  It meant an extra step during
install, but it took the list of packages to manually install down from
hundreds to just one, which meant that even novice IT staff could
install that one package, and it would handle the rest.

A whole custom distro is a lot of work, and sometimes there are other
options that can save you a lot of effort.  This is all assuming of
course that you want a custom distro to suit some need.  If you just
want to try rolling your own for laughs, then by all means go for it.
It's one heck of a learning experience!


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