
Lyneham Collins lynehamc at
Tue Apr 22 15:07:26 BST 2008

  I am an ozzie in Germany.  Recently met someone who offered to install ubuntu on my laptop, amid my plaint over Vista.
  But I would rather do it myself, so that I can't blame anyone else if it gets a bit pear shaped.
  I would like to get up to speed with regard to Linux as it pertains to project mangement which is my profession.
  If I could make a controbution on  the less glamourous side of documenting any development, then I would like to help out in exchange for learning a little more and perhaps obtaining some help (in English, or better yet  Australian!)
  I am MCSE certified, and I was completely disappointed in their failure to differentiate between marketing and education.
  My feeling is the experience will be different within the open source community.
  Any guidance for someone kicking off would be appreciated.
  Working remotely is of particular interest (Project Management, software and network support), so any offering you are aware of or can point me to would be great.
  I've just landed on the oz ubuntu page from here
  and will have a look best regards,

Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.
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