Evolution, contacts, birthday and years earlier than 1970

Tom Schinckel gunny01 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 23:42:22 BST 2007

Peter Schwenke wrote:
> Sebastian Spiess wrote:
>> hi all,
>> does ayone know how to hande birthdates before 1970.
> I just tried it in Gutsy and you can't seem to get it to do it.
>> I am setting up my contacts including birthdays so that evolution puts them automatically into the calendar.
>> This works fine for birthdays before 1970, but for years before 1970 the reminder ends up in december.
> Typically dates are stored as number of seconds since 1/1/1970.  It
> seems like they have done something like that.
>> How can I fix it? shure I could use the current year for the birthday but thats not a good workaround for me.
> Set it as a annually recurring date.  Then you see it each every year.
> Then you could also set an alarm so that you could be reminded on the
> day or the day before.
> In the entry you put something "Sebastian Spiess (19xx)".
> That's what I've always done on my Palm Pilots. I'd never thought of
> going back to the actual year and entering it there.
>                                                            Regards
>                                                            ...Peter
I expect the problem is the way that UNIX systems count time: in seconds 
from midnight, Jan 1, 1970.

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