APC (was: Re: ubuntu-au Digest, Vol 15, Issue 8)

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon May 14 05:56:36 BST 2007

This one time, at band camp, Damian Nolan wrote:

> Chris, I also picked up on this blunder regarding the recycle bin. I emailed
> Ashton Mills (the author) directly who seemed to take it pretty well. He did
> offer the fact that he was trying to write the article from the perspective of
> the windows user who has never even seen linux before.

You'll have to forgive Ashton.  In general he's a very very good 
journalist, but he's also mind-bogglingly busy.  I'm sure he'll action 
your comments in good faith.  He's one of the most clued-up and ethical 
IT journos I ever encountered while in the industry.  The shortage of 
people like him was why I got out of the business.  Well, that and 
better wages and conditions.

Have to say, I've also had similar problems with Ubuntu's recycle bin 
and my mp3 player.  When I delete things, they get moved to .Trash on 
the player, and when I ask to empty the bin, the files don't go away.  
Though normally I do things on the command line, so it's not a problem 
in most cases for me.

APC is run by very passionate enthusiasts.  They're always open to new 
ideas.  Unfortunately they work for an evil corporation and tend to be 

Disclosure: I co-wrote a couple of books for ACP with Asthon as my 
editor.  He's also a mate ;)

PS: Damien, do you think you could respond to the list without quoting 
the entire digest?

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

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