cc: Ubuntu-au digest disappearing

Simon Wong simon at
Mon Mar 26 02:28:27 BST 2007


I would recommend that you use Evolution since it is the supported
Ubuntu mail client.  If you want to playa round with something else,
make sure you set it to NOT delete messages from the server so that you
can still collect them in Evolution.

My guess would be that it is being marked as spam and either going into
a spam/junk folder or being deleted.

Try looking in the junk, spam and trash folders to see if that's where
it is.

I have not used sylpheed-claws so can't give you any more specific help.

Please CC the list with your replies.

Good luck,


On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 15:37 +1000, Tony Brow wrote:
> G'day Simon,
> Somehow I lost the 'Ubuntu-au digest', well lost it, it is not coming
> in anymore. I was experimenting
> with Sylpheed-Claws mail and during that time the Digest news stopped
> coming in. How do I renew
> the  this, please ? Do I start from scratch ? I sent a message to the
> "List" , but there has been no response.
> Many thanks,
> -- 
> Tony Brow <tbrow at>
Simon Wong
simon at | mob 0438 609 011

Dependable Technologies Pty Ltd (ABN 35 108 656 131) | ph  +61 7 3367 0847 | fax +61 7 3009 0431

* Dependable IT Solutions *
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