Some messenger protocols being blocked?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at
Mon Feb 5 23:28:46 GMT 2007

This one time, at band camp, Chris Jones wrote:
> I am having issues connecting to the MSN protocol using GAIM. I have
> been trying for several weeks now to no avail. A reliable source told me
> that Microsoft have begun blocking users who try and use the MSN
> protocol with a third-party client. i.e. GAIM. Is this true? And if so,
> how long would it be before other companies do the same thing such as
> ICQ and Yahoo?

It's in their interest to have third-party clients due to network 
effects.  The more users, the more users they will attract.  I'm 
currently logged into MSN via a Jabber gateway, so I think your source 
is wrong.

More likely the protocol has changed in some way.  Have you tried 
updating GAIM?

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at>

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