Some messenger protocols being blocked?

Andrew Swinn andrew at
Tue Feb 6 03:08:16 GMT 2007

On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:28:46 am Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> It's in their interest to have third-party clients due to network
> effects.  The more users, the more users they will attract.  I'm
> currently logged into MSN via a Jabber gateway, so I think your source
> is wrong.

I am not sure they would be thinking this due to the advertising in the 
official client and the things it links to. I have not run the official 
client for a little while but it was full on with on-sell things as well as 
the advertising.

My webhost provides an option to setup a gateway and their wiki points out 
that the MSN plugin may not work from time to time as MSN changes the 


Andrew Swinn

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