[terminated via godwin] Re: ubuntu-au Digest, Vol 22, Issue 8

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at kgoetz.id.au
Sat Dec 8 02:33:13 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 12:48 +1100, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> I've stayed out of this thus far due to the pure comedy being generated. So 
> everyone, please sit back, relax and grab some popcorn :)

> If you could substantiate your claims, we may have forgiven you. The 'Big Lie' 
> may have worked for Goebbels, but it's not going to help you here (sorry 
> Godwin).

Oh well, there goes that thread!


Incase anyone doesnt understand:

Karl Goetz,
Debian user / Ubuntu contributor / gNewSense contributor
Karl Goetz,
Debian user / Ubuntu contributor / gNewSense contributor

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