ubuntu-au Digest, Vol 22, Issue 8
Sridhar Dhanapalan
sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Sat Dec 8 01:48:49 GMT 2007
I've stayed out of this thus far due to the pure comedy being generated. So
everyone, please sit back, relax and grab some popcorn :)
On Sat, 8 Dec 2007, Chris Jones <chrisjones at comcen.com.au> wrote:
> > Message: 3
> > Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 00:43:57 +1100
> > From: Melissa Draper <melissa at meldraweb.com>
> > Subject: Re: Automatix
> > To: ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
> > Message-ID: <4757FC9D.8000707 at meldraweb.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> >
> > Chris Jones wrote:
> > And that link you provided is crap!
> > It proves nothing more than a bloke who is simply analyzing it to the
> > last 0's and 1's and debunking Automatix.
Yep, he debunked it. That was the point. It is what was needed to get Arnieboy
to start working with Ubuntu instead of stubbornly persisting with his
clearly broken implementation. That collaboration has only just begun, and we
are yet to see the full fruit.
> >>Matthew Garrett is part of the Ubuntu Technical Board, and is quite
> >>likely the reason your laptop suspends/hibernates. He's not just some
> >>bloke.
> Actually there's quite a bit of irony in this comment of yours' Melissa.
> Maybe Matthew is part of the reason my notebook DOESN'T
> suspend/hibernate.
> Think about that one... I say no more!
That's nice, but that's no reason to belittle one person's hard work in the
face of manufacturer non-compliance. How petty.
> > > But let me say: This all started because someone on the list asked help
> > > on how to install Nautilus Scripts. I provided the user with some
> > > advice, in this case Automatix, and as a final result I get flamed for
> > > it. That's the last time I ever attempt to help anyone here on the
> > > list.
> >
> > No, you did not get flamed.
> Actually as a final result, I did!
As 'a final result', after flaming others, yes. How can you expect anything
> > Meanwhile, you did proceeded to flame Sridhar, who with many years of
> > experience in Linux, is someone who knows what he is talking about and
> > knows that people such as Matthew Garrett are credible.
> Well if Sridar has had so many years experience, you certainly wouldn't
> know it with a daft (and I express the word daft) comment like, "Please
> don't recommend Automatix. It is seriously broken in design and often
> does more harm than good."
> Look, although it may seem I am flaming Sridar personally, I'm not. Just
> the particular comment annoyed the absolute crap out of me.
Hmmm, I don't know who this 'Sridar' character is, but it seems awfully
childish to continually misspell someone's name. It is clear that you have
some sort of personal vendetta against him. Please preserve the sanity of
everyone here (not to mention the Ubuntu Code of Conduct) and take it
How is a comment like 'Next time Sridar, get your facts right instead of
blabbering out the usual crap' not a personal flame? How are words
like 'daft' not antagonistic?
As far as I can tell, I've been nothing but civil (and even encouraging) to
you in the past. Why the sudden rampage? Did you forget to eat your Weet Bix
this morning?
What a broken home you must have come from if that sort of language is
considered to be casually-accepted parlance.
If you could substantiate your claims, we may have forgiven you. The 'Big Lie'
may have worked for Goebbels, but it's not going to help you here (sorry
> But anyway I'm not going to argue any further with people who are
> obviously very closed-minded.
Pot. Kettle. Black. Paranoia.
> > If this is how you respond to corrections and safety advice, it is
> > probably best you stick with your new resolution.
> Mmmm, well... (rolls eyes)...
Lots of love,
(with an 'h'! :) )
Bring choice back to your computer.
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