Documentation Project

Andrew andrew at
Wed May 10 03:09:50 BST 2006

Howdy Steven,

Thanks for taking the initiative to set up this wonderful thing. My 
apologies for not jumping in a bit sooner. I have been busy, but yes 
this is no excuse.

I took a quick look at the suggestions for various areas and I would 
like to volunteer in the effort to lead the 'School Presentations To 
Teachers'. I have a few teacher friends and this is an area I have sort 
of fallen into over the past few weeks as I try to evangelise to them, 
and believe me that is a challenge.

So put me down for that role Steven, and I will do my best to get some 
bits and pieces up this week to start the ball rolling.

On a side note I decided to attend another meeting of the Dubbo and 
District Computer Club, which I had attended once before but never 
pursued. I made a point of making myself known to the other members and 
my passion for wanting to promote Ubuntu Linux. They liked my info so 
much that they have accepted a proposal from myself to give the members 
an introduction to Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS and also run through an 
installion of it. The next meeting falls in the first week of June so 
6.06 LTS will be officially released just in time for this presentation.

Hopefully with the help of this computer club and the small amount of 
resources they have we should be able to get some local training 
organised in the community too. Just trying to sort out a location to do 
this, not the easiest of tasks.


Andrew Swinn (Phlosten)

Steven Tucker wrote:
> Hi all,
> just to let everyone know, the web page and blog for the Ubuntu-au 
> documentation project has been moved to and 
> I have been given enough control over the 
> site for it to be just as practical as hosting it myself, and for 
> everyone else, more practical. A special thank you to William Grant 
> for making it happen.
> Please at least visit the site and comment if appropriate, if you are 
> unable to assist.
> Just letting the authors know that their work is being viewed 
> motivates them to continue the good work.
> Thanks again,
> We desperately need people to pitch in. Without people, there is no 
> community.
> Tuxta

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