Summary of Fortnightly Meeting - July 24th 2006

Melissa Draper melissa at
Tue Jul 25 13:22:01 BST 2006


A wee bit late, but regardless, here it is. The meeting summary for June
27th, 2006:

New LoCoTeamContact for us

* YukiCuss has resigned as the LoCo Team Contact due to study
commitments. He was thanked by the present team members.

* Elkbuntu (Me) has been elected to replace YukiCuss in the role.

Keeping meetings short

* KampingKaiser mentioned that meetings have been taking too long. We
decided that any points that need extra discussion should be moved to
the mailing list.

* We succeeded! The meeting lasted less than 30 minutes.

Wiki Maintainer

* MatthewV asked whether there should be a dedicated Wiki maintainer for

* The idea was agreed upon an MatthewV was approved as the wiki maintainer.

Chair for next meeting

* Someone brought up the idea of pre-deciding the Primary Master (the
fool who chairs the meetings and sends out these emails) for the next
meeting, at the end of the current one. The idea of doing this is to
prevent the first 5 minutes of meetings deciding who shall take the task.

* This was partially rejected due to the fact that most of us do not
know for certain, a fortnight ahead of time, if we can even attend
meetings, let along be distraction-free enough to chair

* It was decided to trial electing the Primary Master for the next
meeting after the meeting reminder has been sent out, which is usually 1
or 2 days before the next meeting (as opposed to a whole fortnight).

So there you have it, another fortnight, another meeting.

A reminder as usual to put any items you wish discussed up at

Melissa Draper

Phone: 0404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
Lavington, 2641

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