[ubuntu-art] Koala Wallies

Hrafn Nordhri hrafn at hrafnsvartr.com
Sat Sep 12 05:28:23 BST 2009


Thanks for the link, and Bruce I agree with the 1 disc philosophy.
However, how can we make the added artwork more readily understood to
the user? My first reaction when I got to Ubuntu was "That's it? Three
wallies? Good thing it comes with Gimp". I've had other people say
similar comments and I had no clue where to send them for more except
Gnome-Looks and such.

What I was wondering after posting the question was, what about the
examples section. Could there be something in there with a link to the
flickr group? Perhaps an invite to get involved? I mean when is the last
time a Windows user was asked to get involved? lol

"Open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not." ~Aragorn LotR

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Wimer <kwwii at ubuntu.com>
Reply-to: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Koala Wallies
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:13:04 +0200

On Friday 11 September 2009 04:07:07 pm Hrafn Nordhri wrote:
> Greets!
> I know I've missed the deadlines so I am hoping to participate in the
> April release. I did have a question though. Surfing around I found
> Windows7 will be offering 30 Wallpapers and Mac's Snow Leopard is
> offering 35. All of these have already been revealed.
> ok so the Question.. Will Ubuntu be following these other OS folks in
> the future and offer more than three wallpapers with the releases?

http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/ has more than 1900 images
from which we will find a nice set of additional wallpapers for our
users ;)

So, the answer to your question is: yes!


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