[ubuntu-art] New Wave metacity on Jaunty

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 17:11:22 GMT 2009

В 13:50 +0100 на 27.03.2009 (пт), Kenneth Wimer написа:
> WindowTitleFont=sans 18
> I do *not* suggest doing this because although one font size might look good 
> on your desktop it definitely will not look good on all desktops. This is a bug 
> in the selection of the font by the installer (or whatever) and I suggest you 
> report it if it isn't already. On my system the fonts were larger than before, 
> so setting large fonts in the theme wouldn't help me at all ;)

Thanks. I guess a theme that displays only X, ^ and _ w/o a border would
be best fit. 

Where should I report the bug? In the Ubuntu Installer package?


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