[ubuntu-art] Anime Ubuntu

Saleel Velankar svelanka at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 13:01:11 GMT 2009

Its an intriguing idea. I am unsure as to how you could convey an anime 
theme. I think for something totally out-there like this, you will be 
forced to use the pixmap engine. Some ideas:

-The buttons could resemble speech bubbles like in the comics/manga.
    -errors could have the eardrop that anime characters get when 
conveying embarrassment.
    -warnings could be the jagged bubbles, suggesting the computer is 
angry at you.
-The drop down menus could be scrolls and such like.

I cannot think of this kind of theme already being made. As such I 
suggest downloading a really good pixmap theme from gnome-look, and 
getting comfortable with that particular engine. Making a mockup in 
Inkscape/Gimp may help you visualize what you want your final theme to 
look like. Please keep us informed, because I would love to see where 
this may go.

Saleel V.

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