[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu-Title font

shadowh511 shadow.h511 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 06:18:53 BST 2008

That is a SWEET bug. Where to file is my question

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:38 PM, "Justin Dugger" <jldugger at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
>> Op woensdag 16-07-2008 om 22:37 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Justin
>> Dugger:
>>> I'm not saying that we should necessarily override these, but we
>>> should at least understand them, accept that which is good and  
>>> improve
>>> that which can be improved.
>> Some of your remarks might be caused by rendering issues, some  
>> might be
>> because he thinks they make the font better.  I guess only he can  
>> answer
>> that though...  :)
>> (He's a professional typeface designer, so his reasons for these  
>> changes
>> might be sound--except for 0 & O looking the same maybe).
> Here's the thing -- we don't have to worry about stepping on artist's
> toes or hurting feelings.  I'm sure the narrowing strokes and others
> are intentional. But are they better?
> But as things stand, he has his font and Ubuntu ships something else.
> The license should mean anyone who disagrees is free to walk away, and
> anyone who likes it is free to borrow some or all of it.  (I should
> mention the ambiguous nature of font design rights, but I'm hardly an
> IP lawyer).  I'm honored that a professional took the time to
> demonstrate his talents with this font; the mark of a professional in
> any field is being open to review.
> More productively, does anyone else get blanks when loading the
> current font into FontForge?
> Steps I take to reproduce:
> 1. Install FontForge from universe:
>  "sudo apt-get install fontforge"
> 2. Download the source package to ttf-ubuntu-title
> "apt-get source ttf-ubuntu-title"
> 3. Open the FontForge .sfd:
> "fontforge ttf-ubuntu-title-0.3/Ubuntu-Title.sfd"
> 4. Note the lack of glyphs.
> 5. Open the .ttf instead and see wonderous glyphs ready for editing.
> Justin Dugger
> -- 
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