[ubuntu-art] Wiki Art Initiative - Lets Work Together! Deadlines Also

Salane Ashcraft salane89 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 17:33:38 BST 2008

Ubuntu Art Team-

I started the wiki organization scheme a few weeks ago, and some
progress has been made. here are the 3 pages:
 * Fonts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Intrepid_Ibex_Font_-_Art_Team
 * Icons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Intrepid_Ibex_Icons_-_Art_Team
 * Theme: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Ubuntu_8.10_Theme_-_Art_Team

This is going well. Google has not replied to our inquiries, so
Android is still not Open Source. As of know we have Liberation and
Deja Vu Condensed. Lets discuss this more. I would like to have the
new font in the Alpha 4 of Intrepid Ibex, so our aim to choose a font
should be by August 7th.

Icons -
No work has commenced here. I personally love the Oxygen icon set -
Icons like that are very good looking. I dont think that current icon
sets will work, as we need one tailored to this new look for Ubuntu.
Therefore we pretty much need to create one. Since nothing has
happened with this so far, no deadline for this. We need more people
to work on this.

Theme -
Make sure you post guidelines in a wiki then link it on the main art
team theme wiki. Mockups will be created using these guidelines within
the next 2 weeks - and the theme should be out based on these
guidelines soon. Gtk/metacity programmers- be ready to help on this
community created theme. We have some very talented programmers
already on board, but many many more are needed.

Wallpaper -
We need wallpaper suggestions. I haven't seen discussion on this in a
while, so lets get started on that. There is a wiki page for this
already- so lets use that.
How about a deadline for the Alpha 4 as well on this one. I see plenty
of options here. August 7th!

Lets get this going people. This is a good way to work on things- ask
people you know, find talented artists on the internet- we need to
prove the Art Team can do something useful.

Salane Ashcraft
salane89 at gmail.com

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