[ubuntu-art] // successful use of dark colours: 2 examples //

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Fri Jul 4 14:00:18 BST 2008

while we're on the topic of dark themes, i thought i'd feed a couple of
(publically successful) dark theme mockups back into the pool.

this very basic mockup represents good use of dark colours i think.
people responded to it very well in forums/blogs/digg: 


while i'm not taken with the window title style, i do think the artist
has done well to leverage dark colours with highlights that appear to be
cast by light. there is a logical continuity in the lighting model
he/she has used.

in this example darker colours are used to add vibrancy and depth rather
than simply to 'turn down the lights', reducing both clarity and
contrast overall.

this other mockup goes darker still while highlighting useability hints
with a brown/orange:


it is perhaps far too dark for general distribution of course.

nonetheless i think it is important to recognise those mockups Ubuntu
users have made that many other users respond very positively to. while
being far from feasible, it's my belief these mockups ought to be taken
as strong hints in a theme design process.


julian oliver
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