[ubuntu-art] // successful use of dark colours: 2 examples //

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 15:17:35 BST 2008

В 15:00 +0200 на 04.07.2008 (пт), Julian Oliver написа:
> while we're on the topic of dark themes, i thought i'd feed a couple of
> (publically successful) dark theme mockups back into the pool.
> this very basic mockup represents good use of dark colours i think.
> people responded to it very well in forums/blogs/digg: 
>     http://willwill100.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Mockup-Hardy-Heron-74511244
> while i'm not taken with the window title style, i do think the artist
> has done well to leverage dark colours with highlights that appear to be
> cast by light. there is a logical continuity in the lighting model
> he/she has used.
> in this example darker colours are used to add vibrancy and depth rather
> than simply to 'turn down the lights', reducing both clarity and
> contrast overall.
> this other mockup goes darker still while highlighting useability hints
> with a brown/orange:
>     http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2007/323/0/b/Ubuntu_Theme_Mockup___Dark_by_bradwjensen.jpg
> it is perhaps far too dark for general distribution of course.
> nonetheless i think it is important to recognise those mockups Ubuntu
> users have made that many other users respond very positively to. while
> being far from feasible, it's my belief these mockups ought to be taken
> as strong hints in a theme design process.

I totally agree with you Oliver. It seems that the first idea and New
Wave have things in common so the team and I will try to polish the
theme as much as possible.


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