[ubuntu-art] On the art of creating usplash images

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue May 30 13:09:14 BST 2006

Am Dienstag, den 30.05.2006, 13:44 +0200 schrieb Étienne Bersac:
> I know those limitation, but how does Red Hat and Apple to have
> translated boot texts ? My purpose is to improve software, because we
> are near the technical limit of used solutions.
> However, that will be discussed at Paris.
the boot texts come directly from the initscripts of the packages, in
case you want to translate them, you will need to touch some 100
packages that have an initscript and make them transalatable.
i think the approach to show no text at all is a bit easier to achieve
for edgy, adding translatability here will likely take more than one
release unless we get a big bump in developer power :)

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