[ubuntu-art] On the art of creating usplash images

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Tue May 30 12:44:31 BST 2006


> The colors will be limited to the palette used in the png picture that
> is the source for the theme. This is a limitation of vga16fb/bogl.
> Currently the palette index of the used colors is hardcoded. My proposed
> patches change that. Fancier progress bars require another patch.
> Hidden text is possible by setting the size of the text area to 0,
> translation is not possible, this is a limitation of the
> initscripts/sysvinit system.

I know those limitation, but how does Red Hat and Apple to have
translated boot texts ? My purpose is to improve software, because we
are near the technical limit of used solutions.

However, that will be discussed at Paris.

Verso l'Alto !

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