[ubuntu-art] GUIDELINES: Words from sabdfl

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Tue May 30 03:07:05 BST 2006

I agree... I just tried to stick it in there.

At some point someone should snag the related links from
the mail archives.

Starting points.

On Tue, 2006-30-05 at 03:02 +0100, Who wrote:
> Cathcing hold of every comment Mark makes is probably not the best way
> to organise things - short statements can be misinterpreted,
> especially when taken out of their context in time and subject!
> I would say that gathering what Mark has said so far and asking him to
> confirm it is a very good idea - but just working on comments here and
> there, _and taking them out of context_ could well lead to confusion
> or us going in the wrong direction!

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