[ubuntu-art] usplash wiki update

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Wed May 17 11:13:30 BST 2006

On Wednesday 17 May 2006 06:56, Troy James Sobotka wrote:
> I took some initiative and thumbnailed all of the work
> at the usplash proposal portion of the Wiki.

That's great work, thanks a lot for doing that, it was well worth the effort.

There are a lot of nice submissions already. For the biggest part they are 
obvious, meaning that they explore the basic logo and "Ubuntu" composition, 
which looks very good because of the palette limitations and the black 

I wouldn't mind the best ones of those being selected as default for Dapper. 
In the meantime I had been exploring a slightly more non-obvious idea using 
Blender, Inkscape and The Gimp. I tried to create a backlit version of the 
Ubuntu circle, I'll explain what I mean by that.

I took the circle logo and placed a halo'ed spotlight behind it, so that a 
corona of light beams shines behind the logo. Instead of opting for a 
standard white spotlight I decided to make it Human-colored.

Downside of that is that the end result is kind of darkish, but still Ubuntu 
themed. If you think the idea is good, I'd gladly create a lighter version, 
perhaps using colors more close to the Breezy splash or using orange.

I've attached a ready-to-use indexed PNG to this message, it can also be 
downloaded from:

I've created a usplash shared library which you can try in real life (no .deb 
yet, sorry):

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

With kind regards,

Frank Schoep
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