[ubuntu-art] usplash wiki update
Julian Oliver
julian at selectparks.net
Wed May 17 11:29:05 BST 2006
..on Wed, May 17, 2006 at 12:13:30PM +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 May 2006 06:56, Troy James Sobotka wrote:
> > I took some initiative and thumbnailed all of the work
> > at the usplash proposal portion of the Wiki.
> That's great work, thanks a lot for doing that, it was well worth the effort.
> There are a lot of nice submissions already. For the biggest part they are
> obvious, meaning that they explore the basic logo and "Ubuntu" composition,
> which looks very good because of the palette limitations and the black
> background.
> I wouldn't mind the best ones of those being selected as default for Dapper.
> In the meantime I had been exploring a slightly more non-obvious idea using
> Blender, Inkscape and The Gimp. I tried to create a backlit version of the
> Ubuntu circle, I'll explain what I mean by that.
> I took the circle logo and placed a halo'ed spotlight behind it, so that a
> corona of light beams shines behind the logo. Instead of opting for a
> standard white spotlight I decided to make it Human-colored.
> Downside of that is that the end result is kind of darkish, but still Ubuntu
> themed. If you think the idea is good, I'd gladly create a lighter version,
> perhaps using colors more close to the Breezy splash or using orange.
> I've attached a ready-to-use indexed PNG to this message, it can also be
> downloaded from:
> http://www.ffnn.nl/media/external/ubuntu/usplash/backlit.png
> I've created a usplash shared library which you can try in real life (no .deb
> yet, sorry):
> http://www.ffnn.nl/media/external/ubuntu/usplash/backlit.so
> I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
personally i think gradations should be avoided altogether with the usplash palette
being so narrow (16 colours). while the idea is nice, booting up as a kind of 'dawn' etc, i'd rather see
clean flat colour as it doesn't exemplify the fact we are working with so few colours (8 years after Windows98).
my loose change,
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