[ubuntu-art] usplash contributions

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Wed May 17 00:44:15 BST 2006


> 1) Obtain an optimum 16 color palette via careful scrunching.
> 2) Import the palette via Gimp's palette tool.
> 3) Scuttle the palette entries around in accordance with 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto?highlight=%28usplash%
> 29
> 4) Re-work the working image down to a 16 color palette based on the
> final palette (Mode shift option in Gimp).
> 5) Try to run 'pngtobogl usplash-artwork.png > usplash-artwork.c'
> 6) usplash-artwork.c results in an error with too many colors in the
> file.

Okey, compare with my workflow :

     1. Create a 640x480 picture with Gimp
     2. Export it to PNG. Convert it to 16 colors with Gimp (don't know
        how to order colors in the palette with the Gimp). Be careful
        about flat surface. manual retouch. etc.
     3. Resize it to 640x400 with convert (i wish it keep the palette,
        but not sure)
     4. pngtobogl it
     5. build, link it, etc.

Step 3, 4 and 5 are handle by the Makefile. Installing it with sudo make
install. I got black screen.

I would like to see Frank Schoep workflow for his minimalistic, or any
other working workflow.


Verso l'Alto !
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