[ubuntu-art] usplash contributions

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Wed May 17 00:22:55 BST 2006

> > FYI, if you don't already know this, start with a 640x480 image and
> > scale it down to 640x400.  That should get you the correct aspect  
> > ratio.
> >
> Hehe, I had this discussion already with someone else :-)
> You only loose information when doing it as you suggest. The correct  
> way is to design the whole thing scrunched up like that to begin  
> with. Of course, if you are doing it in vector graphics format then  
> you can simply scale it before exporting the png.

Indeed.  I was giving a quickie approach for those who can't get to the
proper aspect ratio.  Realistically, starting with the correct DPI
setting in Gimp is the best way to maximize your returns.

While scaling with an SVG might seem logical, it indeed does not produce
the best results.  You must customize and touch up your palette
specifically to your target size.  There is no avoiding this.  SVG will
give you an approximation, but the antialiasing and such is directly
related to your final output.

Using a gradual crunch back to 16 colors will ultimately result in the
best image, constantly checking your antialiasing and discarding color
information as you go.

> > Anyone tried to get a usplash to conform to a Gimp 16 color palette
> > generated png?  I get 'too many colors' on the attempt to generate a
> > file.
> >
> nope, works great here.

Really?  Here are the steps I followed:

1) Obtain an optimum 16 color palette via careful scrunching.
2) Import the palette via Gimp's palette tool.
3) Scuttle the palette entries around in accordance with 
4) Re-work the working image down to a 16 color palette based on the
final palette (Mode shift option in Gimp).
5) Try to run 'pngtobogl usplash-artwork.png > usplash-artwork.c'
6) usplash-artwork.c results in an error with too many colors in the


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