[ubuntu-art] Re: Default themes
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Tue May 2 08:01:17 BST 2006
2006/5/2, bvc <bvcmdk at yahoo.com>:
> *Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com>* wrote:
> Most Important things first (in random order):
> 1) I generally think we should avoid pixmap themes all together. They
> bring my box to its knees :-S, I will not comment on them here.
> 2) I think that all included themes should have some kind of Ubuntu feel
> to it. Not entirely brown or orange necesarily, but maybe a hint... In some
> cases green can do the trick too.
> 3) I think we should put suggestions on some wikipages
> 4) Please put screenshot links in your mails/wikipages like bvc just did
> 5) Suggesting a wallpaper in the theme is a nice to touch to make a
> complete experience. I think all themes should do that [1].
> 6) A theme should not be included just because its cool. It should
> compliment the other themes nicely, providing a coherent set of _different_
> themes.
> To address your list....
> 1) I think any pixmap themes should come from the other 3 community
> themes.
Please plese, no pixmap themes. They may look shiny, but I believe them to
be one of the core things that make people say that Gnome is unresponsive.
Dapper is feeling snappy right now, let's keep it that way :-)
2) earth tones? I think that should also come from the 3 community themes.
> Some people just want a simple, bland, gray desktop without any color, so
> shouldn't that be an option that is available by default? Smooth-gray from
> Smooth9?
> http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/gtk/Smooth9-gray.png<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/gtk/Smooth9-gray.png>
> ...or is the what we are trying to avoid? ...simple, bland, gray desktop
> without any color? Mark?
> 6) Agreed. If I am understanding you correctly, it's what I wanted to see
> in Breezy
> http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/theme/devel/Human-Metathemes.png<http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/theme/devel/Human-Metathemes.png>
> The issue with the metacity theme is not much of an issue IMO. Most of the
> current default gnome themes do not function correctly anyway and have bad
> flaws.
That is not an excuse. Windows without buttons show up from time to time,
and it just feels unpolished and Dapper is all about polish.
The menubar problem is one the gdk>gtk=xul apps need to work out quickly. As
> a themer I do not worry about the bad apps. There's no reason they can not
> be pure gtk like the other 99.99% of apps.
For theming in general I agree. However, this is long-term-support distro -
if there are inconsistensies on the desktop, it has to be sorted out. If the
only thing we can do in due time is to hack the theme, then I think we
should accept that.
What contrast, where in Smooth9?
> Green Smooth9? gPerfect-flat or japan-flat?
Sorry for being unclear, it was this one:
The Unity buttons came from the default theme for xfce (4.2?) because it was
> a port to gnome. I think they are fine. That said, I personally prefer to
> use the Gentle metacity theme which came from the same.
The Gentle metacity theme is pretty cool. However - as is also true for
Blended* and Human - it's a tad on the slow side, all taking over 20 ms to
render on my box (use metacity-theme-viewer to benchmark). Generally
metacity sucks at gradients as far as my research goes.
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