[ubuntu-art] update-notifier icon

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 23 14:38:28 GMT 2006

Julian Turner wrote:
> Hi!
> You're absolutely right about the exclamation mark - it's just visual
> noise. But I found the gloss effect on your version doesn't make it
> easier to recognise the arrows: it lessens contrast.
> I did a quick gimp-up based on your work (I'm not a great vector artist,
> so I imported your arrows into the GIMP), in the style of my Still Life
> set:

IMO, both of these versions (Julian's and Manu's) have too much detail. 
The fancy arrow ribbon which flips around in 3D is to delicate. I like 
the glossy look, but I would put plain white arrows on the surface and 
not sunken into the translucent plastic (does that make sense?)

Also try using the slightly darker Ubuntu red.

  - Henrik


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