[ubuntu-art] Quick Update

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Sun Jun 25 20:06:28 BST 2006

Michiel Sikma wrote:
> I don't understand why it is so pertinently important to keep Human
> in. In all objectivity, it's simply a suboptimal icon set when
> compared to Tango. I also don't see why any of the arguments that I
> have given have to be ignored. Like I stated, Human doesn't seem to
> follow any proper guidelines at all. If it does, then I would like to
> read their rationale for arbitrarily designing some icons from
> different angles.
> I've got the greatest respect for Mark, but I do not see his rationale.

I would like Ubuntu to have a unique icon set. That meant creating one
from scratch, not re-palette-ing an existing theme like Tango. If you
like Tangerine or Tango then I would encourage you to use them and
contribute to them yourself, but the default will remain Human until one
of the other themes has reached the point that it is:

 * distinctively Ubuntu, not anything else
 * complete and world class

If you would like to help and improve Human, then please do! If not,
please respect the decision and focus your work on other parts of the
artwork that you yourself use.

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