[ubuntu-art] That's a wrap everyone!

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Thu Jun 1 18:51:02 BST 2006

..on Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 06:30:20PM +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
> Op 1-jun-2006, om 18:27 heeft Tom Moitie het volgende geschreven:
> >Julian isn't saying that the users should be choosing the direction  
> >that
> >the Ubuntu artwork should go, but to gain critique from them, so that
> >you, as the designers, can make better choices. Listening to people  
> >who
> >don't know what they're doing doesn't mean you have to follow what  
> >they
> >want. You guys are, of course, the graphical designers.
> That's right. Like I said, I do think that it's a very good idea to  
> work with the community so that we may get feedback from them, but I  
> don't think that it's right to put much weight on such opinions.  
> Julian's mail made kind of made it seem so, but I guess he too thinks  
> that community votes don't make up a good final decision.

i don't necessarily think community wide votes should direct which art
is shipped with Ubuntu. such voting schemes are riddled with all sorts
of problems, the first being there are always some that are inclined to 
vote and many that aren't. 

i do however think a steady stream of opinion on the state of the Ubuntu artwork
would be extremely useful for designers - wherever it comes from. 
having a wishlist and or opinions forum focussed on artwork alone 
(not issues relating to Ubuntu more generally) would also (importantly) 
give users the confidence of a central context for being heard - with no
promise of implementation. as a bonus, this can only strengthen user good-will. 

currently such suggestions/opinions/criticisms are offered as bugs or randomly 
dispersed throughout threads in blogs and user forums.

naturally there would be alot of feedback that isn't useful. i'm sure however 
there'd be some insights that would be very difficult to reach from the 
perspective of a designer.

how many hard-of-seeing people to we have telling us how brilliant our
high-visibility theme is for instance? 


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