[ubuntu-art] That's a wrap everyone!

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Thu Jun 1 17:30:20 BST 2006

Op 1-jun-2006, om 18:27 heeft Tom Moitie het volgende geschreven:

> Julian isn't saying that the users should be choosing the direction  
> that
> the Ubuntu artwork should go, but to gain critique from them, so that
> you, as the designers, can make better choices. Listening to people  
> who
> don't know what they're doing doesn't mean you have to follow what  
> they
> want. You guys are, of course, the graphical designers.

That's right. Like I said, I do think that it's a very good idea to  
work with the community so that we may get feedback from them, but I  
don't think that it's right to put much weight on such opinions.  
Julian's mail made kind of made it seem so, but I guess he too thinks  
that community votes don't make up a good final decision.

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