[ubuntu-art] Tangerine in universe

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Thu Apr 6 01:10:02 BST 2006


> What I would prefer is brown folders, because there is too much orange
> in my desktop and my nautilus.
> It is the same of title bars. They were too orange at first, and know
> they are brown again. I include a folder example.

I agree. That wouldd be really nice to select a color and build a  
complete theme palette from that colour.

Select caramel, and build the saturate, desaturate, lighted, darked  
color coresponding. Use in in gtk, metacity and icon theme. Do the  
same for chocolate, and compare with orange, etc.

If think that is the way we will be able to build an actually  
polished desktop. Quite like SuSE is doing. Posting comparative  
screenshot is great to help selecting the better brownish theme the  
world has never seen !

Also, Tango has good base for helping choosing a good color. http:// 
tango-project.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines . Those guys rox. They  
did a great work. We MUST base our artwork on those good Guidelines.

> Ubuntu doesn't hide extensions, so you can take a look at it when the
> icon is not enough.

Then it is usefull only for protocols.

Your icons seems good. It should fit well with title bar. Need some  
real life situation like the screenshot i posted earlier.


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