[ubuntu-art] Tangerine in universe (and some general comments on all artwork)

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Thu Apr 6 07:58:25 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 02:10 +0200, Étienne Bersac wrote:
> Hello,
> > What I would prefer is brown folders, because there is too much orange
> > in my desktop and my nautilus.)

If Ubuntu followed a blue-ish trend then I have the feeling we would be
getting complaints from other people just about the same thing:
colouration. I accept that many people prefer blue above brown, or grey
above orange, but this is one of the things that sets Ubuntu apart from
other distributions. We've moved to orange now, as evident in the
Metacity and GTK themes (great work by the way, and both Tangerine and
the new Human icon sets are beginning to take form as well, using lots
of orange.

I think this is a good thing. We've made the decision to stick with
these new shades and lots of work has been done based on that decision.
If we were to change main shades now it would be a lot of work to re-do
the work we have already done.

I think we need to change the amount of critique on the work that has
been done and each do some more work ourselves. I suppose though I am
not a decent example of this, so no need to take much heed of that
comment. Would be nice though. :)

I hope to get some work done soon. I've got Ubuntu working reasonably
well on this new laptop now and my new mouse just arrived. Exams are
almost over and holidays are soon nigh.

> > It is the same of title bars. They were too orange at first, and know
> > they are brown again. I include a folder example.
> I agree. That wouldd be really nice to select a color and build a  
> complete theme palette from that colour.
> Select caramel, and build the saturate, desaturate, lighted, darked  
> color coresponding. Use in in gtk, metacity and icon theme. Do the  
> same for chocolate, and compare with orange, etc.
> If think that is the way we will be able to build an actually  
> polished desktop. Quite like SuSE is doing. Posting comparative  
> screenshot is great to help selecting the better brownish theme the  
> world has never seen !
> Also, Tango has good base for helping choosing a good color. http:// 
> tango-project.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines . Those guys rox. They  
> did a great work. We MUST base our artwork on those good Guidelines.

We can't follow the Tango guidelines completely. Realise that the Tango
Desktop Project aims to bring a consistent look to the Linux desktop,
emphasis on the 'a'. It will not be the only, I certainly hope not.

The Tango icon set is the first icon set to use the freedesktop.org icon
naming specificiation and I hope that other icon sets in the future will
adhere to this standard as well. This should not however extend
necessarily to the guidelines on other icon sets. That is what makes
them different. Tangerine does not need to adhere completely to the
Tango guidelines, just like Human and Blue Curve do not.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that we MUST not necessarily base
any of our work on those guidelines, however good they are. We're not
the Tango Desktop Project (though some of use are involved :) ). The
Tango icon guidelines and colour palette is good and I am very fond of
it but the Tango colour palette is not used in Tangerine, and not all of
the Tango icon guidelines are followed either.

I think also, more directed as a general comment in regard to the
thoughts on the recent artwork, we need to consider that the different
icon sets and so forth need not at all be the same or have icons that
almost identical just because on set used a certain visual metaphor for
an icon. I think we need to accept that there will be differences in the
sets, not only in colour and guidelines (design/...) but in those
metaphors and so forth. This is one of the great things of open source:
the diversity. If one does not like certain aspects of a particular work
then that person is quite free to choose from a variety of great looking
other work.

Cheers and kind regards to all,


> > Ubuntu doesn't hide extensions, so you can take a look at it when the
> > icon is not enough.
> Then it is usefull only for protocols.
> Your icons seems good. It should fit well with title bar. Need some  
> real life situation like the screenshot i posted earlier.
> Étienne.

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