[ubuntu-art] Tango

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 19 11:01:16 CDT 2005

<quote who="Matthew Nuzum">

> > c) How do completely different looking 'Linux' [1] desktops help users?
> I'm not suggesting they look completely different, I'm suggesting they
> have unique visual styles.

The kind of differences we see between Red Hat (Bluecurve), Sun's JDS
(Blueprint) and the Novell/Ubuntu (GNOME) icons are the kind of differences
that alarm users. They're not just "unique visual styles" - they change some
of the fundamental points of familiarity (memory muscle) that users latch on
to. Thus, I tend to support collaboration efforts in these areas (I'm really
glad we're almost all using Clearlooks now, for example).

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's wetter
                             around the edges.

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