[ubuntu-art] Hi and a suggestion

Nicholas nicholas at nburmandesign.com
Wed Jul 20 12:02:01 CDT 2005

On a communal level, I think your reasons, Jane, are good ones for 
sticking with wiki. I'm not sure of it's technical limitations, but I'm 
sure there would always be a better tool no matter what we were using. 
Let's do it 'Ubuntu Style'.

Besides, I'm new to using wiki (Aaron's stupendous korgaseries.org is 
using one for my gear schematics:D ) and would love to get my hands in 
there again - woohoo!!

Nicholas Burman
I passionately hate the idea of being with it, I think an artist has 
always to be out of step with his time.
Orson Welles (1915 - 1985)

On 20-Jul-05, at 5:52 AM, Jane Silber wrote:
> The intention of the server was to provide a place to upload and review
> art work (and admittedly the wiki isn't the best thing for that).
> However, I also don't think  a generic "groupware" tool is the best
> thing, and I think it would be unfortunate to treat the server as a
> replacement for the wiki. Other teams maintain a presence on the wiki
> and coordinate activities through the wiki, and I recommend that the 
> art
> team do that as well.
> I don't know the details, but I think a tool similar to gnome-look.org
> (same software on kde-look.org) is the type of thing that is needed.   
> I
> don't know what the tool is exactly on those sites, so it may not be 
> the
> best choice for various reasons. But I think we should be able to
> identify an open source tool which allows easy upload, viewing, and
> downloading of various types of artwork in a simple straightforward
> way.  I don't think we want to replace or duplicate the wiki function,
> the mailing lists, IRC, etc. -  just meet the artwork needs that aren't
> met elsewhere.
> My two cents.
> Cheers,
> Jane
> -- 
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