[UBUNTU-ART] Stuff to do.
badran at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 16:06:25 CDT 2005
hey guys I am maxim ... I think i could help you guys out from time to time
, it would be great since I have used ubuntu for some time. Now I am on
minislack , but geting back on the ubuntu track next week.. when I get the
new Set of CDs.... As I miss Ubuntu... things were simpler there... eventho
a bit slower :)
On 7/16/05, volvoguy <volvoguy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/15/05, Aaron Champion <achampion at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Probably the only time we're going to run into snags or roadblocks is
> when
> > the Art Team approaches its critical mass. It's quite easy to get 15
> > dedicated people to readily come to consensus on an issue than it is 50
> > semi-involved people. I completely agree with Aaron (who I am hereby
> > dubbing Aaron #1) on the thought that the general temperament of the
> Ubuntu
> > community should suffice in place of an organizational structure for
> now.
> Woohoo! Aaron #1! Can we just be A1 and A2? That may get confusing
> though as I use a Korg A3 effects processor when playing guitar (and
> even run the korgaseries.org <http://korgaseries.org> website *shameless
> plug*).
> I agree with you about where we're probably (but hopefully not) going
> to run into a few roadblocks. Luckily we're our own team now, so I
> think we carry a little more weight than the community-at-large.
> Having said that, we may get 50 or 100 or more people on this list
> that all want to have a say in how things look. I think we'll be able
> to see in the long run, who are the core group of people doing all the
> work, and as long as we're not out in left field somewhere, I don't
> see a problem with the core team making the deciding vote if it comes
> down to tough issues. I'm also confident that the Canonical folk will
> be around to keep an eye on us, (in a good way of course. hi Jane,
> Mako and Mark!) to make sure on track with everyone else on the
> project.
> --
> Aaron
> Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu<http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K.
> Chesterton
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
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Maxim ( msn: m at xim.uni.cc )
www.xim.uni.cc <http://www.xim.uni.cc>
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