[UBUNTU-ART] Stuff to do.

volvoguy volvoguy at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 18:00:26 CDT 2005

On 7/15/05, Aaron Champion <achampion at gmail.com> wrote:

> Probably the only time we're going to run into snags or roadblocks is when
> the Art Team approaches its critical mass.  It's quite easy to get 15
> dedicated people to readily come to consensus on an issue than it is 50
> semi-involved people.  I completely agree with Aaron (who I am hereby
> dubbing Aaron #1) on the thought that the general temperament of the Ubuntu
> community should suffice in place of an organizational structure for now.

Woohoo! Aaron #1! Can we just be A1 and A2? That may get confusing
though as I use a Korg A3 effects processor when playing guitar (and
even run the korgaseries.org website *shameless plug*).

I agree with you about where we're probably (but hopefully not) going
to run into a few roadblocks. Luckily we're our own team now, so I
think we carry a little more weight than the community-at-large.
Having said that, we may get 50 or 100 or more people on this list
that all want to have a say in how things look. I think we'll be able
to see in the long run, who are the core group of people doing all the
work, and as long as we're not out in left field somewhere, I don't
see a problem with the core team making the deciding vote if it comes
down to tough issues. I'm also confident that the Canonical folk will
be around to keep an eye on us, (in a good way of course. hi Jane,
Mako and Mark!) to make sure on track with everyone else on the


Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton

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