[UBUNTU-ART] Introduction
Andy Fitzsimon
andyfitz at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 22:01:41 CDT 2005
Hi guys I'm Andy,
G'day from sunny Australia, Yes i say g'day mate and no i do not throw
'shimp' on the barbie its prawns, lamb or snags ( sausages )
I guess I better introduce myself in regards to free software and why
I'm here today.
One day I decided to give learning free software the same amount of
time I gave proprietary software. Free software won, not just on
Here's a rant explaining why
Right now, there are companies who are currently the false gods of software.
By using proprietary tools, the only ones we are helping is them.
Regardless of cost to time or money. Free software is a better
commodity and free commodities get adopted faster.
Its amazing how nowadays artistic software licensing is so
encumbered with patents it inhibits creativity. The very thing their
software claims to enable.
Unless you part with money, you are apparently not entitled to a
voice with fonts using your native language or spot colours to cover
your visual message on all mediums or mainstream video/audio
encoding... the list goes on .....
I'm not really that cranky because I believe that in order to survive
the more evil vendors will have to play nice.
Aside from all that moral crap I just thew at you. here is the OSS
graphical software I use and why I use it.
I use Inkscape because it's better than anything (I could spend
forever listing reasons why)
I use the GIMP because since 2.0 it's got some sexy native work flow going on.
I use Scribus because the developers are awesome (like the software).
I will use blender, since migrating my 3DSMAX skills didnt seem to
migrate with me. so someday..wings3d is nice tho.
I love the idea that we will build the entire graphical environment
using the same tools we end up giving to our users. Doesn't it just
blow your mind!??? BAM!*
Oh yeah.. I do icons
If any of you are brisk with a bezier tool, groovy with their
gradients or popular with pushing pixels please let me know so we can
kick this Icon set into shape.. You can grab it from :
Just extract to /usr/share/icons/ not ~/.icons for more fun when you
next use gksudo'd apps
The icons dint have a name yet but they are called humility so they
dont clash with the existing ubuntu-artwork human theme.
it really sucks that we dont have a CVS or anything to work with so if
you do something neat please email it to andrew at fitzsimon.com.au
I hang out on #ubuntu-artwork on freenode.
Also you can message me on any of the below protocols.
JAB: brisgeek at jabber.org
ICQ: 30727172
AOL: AndyFitzGeek
YAH: andrews_here
Can't wait to get chatting with everyone and start throwing ideas
around. this is gonna be fun!
Thanks for your time,
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