Regarding Moving packages from Universe section to main section
Chandan M C
chandukutti at
Mon Oct 30 05:28:24 GMT 2006
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply ... can you please give me the procedure ubuntu is
fololwing to sync and merge the pacakges from debian ...
How do I generate the seeds list ... How different seed list is generated in
Ubuntu ..
We are into our first release , so we dont have owr own repo as Ubuntu yet
.. Our single cd distro contains some aroung 800+ packages out of which 30 +
are modified and added XbossY version same as ubuntu ..Now If I have to
setupo a repo same as ubuntu for all 15000 pacakges ..How do I do that ..
I hope I cannot follow the procedure of MOM ... as that is used only for
comparision between ubuntu and debian versions I dont have yet my own
version ...
May I know How Ubuntu setup the archive for their first release "warty"..
Was there all 4 components (main.universe,restricte,mutliverse) at that time
also ... How you synced and merged for the first Ubuntu doesnt
had its own repo for its first release ...
Other thing .. Is Ubuntu rebuilding all 15000 pacakges of Debian or directly
syncing binaries and source ...
On 10/29/06, Colin Watson <cjwatson at> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 12:51:30PM +0000, Chandan M C wrote:
> > I am Chandan from India... Iam workign on building a distro ..Where I am
> an
> > adminsitrator BOSS Package archive ..I want to maintain the repository
> > similar to Ubuntu ..with main and universe components ..May I know What
> > strategy is followd in Ubuntu to move packages from universe to main
> section
> > ...
> We move them using a program that's part of Launchpad which changes
> overrides; this has the effect of telling the publisher to put the
> binaries in a different place in the pool, and if necessary (i.e. if the
> same versions of the binaries were present in an older release) to leave
> a symlink behind. Until such time as we can offer distribution
> maintenance in Launchpad to distributions other than Ubuntu, you'll have
> to implement a similar program yourself based on whatever way your
> archive maintenance programs work.
> We move packages to main only when they appear in the output of the
> 'germinate' program, which expands dependencies in a list of seeds
> containing the top-level packages we care about directly. See
> for some details; if you want to
> implement your own main/universe split, I expect that you'll have to
> maintain your own seed lists.
> > Bcz I found some packages which are present in main are not in universe
> (Eg;
> > gnome-desktop)
> Packages live in one and only one component. The only time you'll ever
> see a package appear in more than one component in the pool is when it
> was in one component in one release and moved to a different component
> in another release.
> > and for some packages (Eg: acl) ... source and few binaries geenrated by
> > that package are in main and few other binaries are in universe ...
> (like
> > acl source and libacl1 binaries are in main adn acl binaries are in
> universe
> > )
> Yes, binaries can be moved between components independently. germinate
> operates on binaries; we ensure that any sources that build any binaries
> in main are themselves in main.
> Cheers,
> --
> Colin Watson [cjwatson at]
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