Hi ,<br> Thanks for the reply ... can you please give me the procedure ubuntu is fololwing to sync and merge the pacakges from debian ... <br><br>How do I generate the seeds list ... How different seed list is generated in Ubuntu ..
<br><br>We are into our first release , so we dont have owr own repo as Ubuntu yet .. Our single cd distro contains some aroung 800+ packages out of which 30 + are modified and added XbossY version same as ubuntu ..Now If I have to setupo a repo same as ubuntu for all 15000 pacakges ..How do I do that ..
<br>I hope I cannot follow the procedure of MOM ... as that is used only for comparision between ubuntu and debian versions ..as I dont have yet my own version ... <br><br>May I know How Ubuntu setup the archive for their first release "warty".. Was there all 4 components (
main.universe,restricte,mutliverse) at that time also ... How you synced and merged for the first release..as Ubuntu doesnt had its own repo for its first release ... <br><br>Other thing .. Is Ubuntu rebuilding all 15000 pacakges of Debian or directly syncing binaries and source ...
<br><br>Regards<br>Chandu<br><br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/29/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Colin Watson</b> <<a href="mailto:cjwatson@ubuntu.com">cjwatson@ubuntu.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 12:51:30PM +0000, Chandan M C wrote:<br>> I am Chandan from India... Iam workign on building a distro ..Where I am an<br>> adminsitrator BOSS Package archive ..I want to maintain the repository
<br>> similar to Ubuntu ..with main and universe components ..May I know What<br>> strategy is followd in Ubuntu to move packages from universe to main section<br>> ...<br><br>We move them using a program that's part of Launchpad which changes
<br>overrides; this has the effect of telling the publisher to put the<br>binaries in a different place in the pool, and if necessary (i.e. if the<br>same versions of the binaries were present in an older release) to leave
<br>a symlink behind. Until such time as we can offer distribution<br>maintenance in Launchpad to distributions other than Ubuntu, you'll have<br>to implement a similar program yourself based on whatever way your<br>archive maintenance programs work.
<br><br>We move packages to main only when they appear in the output of the<br>'germinate' program, which expands dependencies in a list of seeds<br>containing the top-level packages we care about directly. See<br><a href="http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement">
http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement</a> for some details; if you want to<br>implement your own main/universe split, I expect that you'll have to<br>maintain your own seed lists.<br><br>> Bcz I found some packages which are present in main are not in universe (Eg;
<br>> gnome-desktop)<br><br>Packages live in one and only one component. The only time you'll ever<br>see a package appear in more than one component in the pool is when it<br>was in one component in one release and moved to a different component
<br>in another release.<br><br>> and for some packages (Eg: acl) ... source and few binaries geenrated by<br>> that package are in main and few other binaries are in universe ... (like<br>> acl source and libacl1 binaries are in main adn acl binaries are in universe
<br>> )<br><br>Yes, binaries can be moved between components independently. germinate<br>operates on binaries; we ensure that any sources that build any binaries<br>in main are themselves in main.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>
--<br>Colin Watson [<a href="mailto:cjwatson@ubuntu.com">cjwatson@ubuntu.com</a>]<br></blockquote></div><br>