Very bad news for me&I do not know how many others/UbuntuOne cloud storage service to be shutdown

Kyle kyle4jesus at
Wed Apr 9 01:24:50 UTC 2014

The silver lining in this dark cloud (pun intended)  is the fact that
Canonical will be releasing the source code for the serverside
components of Ubuntu One storage. So it will be possible to run Ubuntu
One on your own server, and you may start seeing providers doing exactly
that in the future. For now, I've been running ownCloud on my VPS, and
the latest version of the client and server seems to work very well with
Orca. If you don't have your own VPS, there are providers who are
already using ownCloud that offer free storage space. I believe there's
a list somewhere on that may be helpful. Yes, I'm gonna
miss Ubuntu One also, as I have it on my Android phone, and it was also
working on Arch before the maintainer decided to move it out of the
official community repository because of the shutdown of the service.
I'm really hoping that the open source release will allow multiple
competitors to step up and offer something good based on the Ubuntu One
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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