Will be ship Quantal with Liblouis 2.5.0 or 2.5.1 release? Very important packaging a new version to works Orca with contracted braille feature in Ubuntu 12.10.

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Fri Sep 28 07:17:42 UTC 2012


With Quantal (Ubuntu 12.10) ship now with Liblouis 2.4.1 release, but 
this release the Python binding (python-louis package) is not Python3 
compatible. Orca Screen Reader supports contracted braille feature, but 
this feature now unusable with Ubuntu 12.10 version, because shipped 
Liblouis version is too old.
Liblouis developers released with Liblouis 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 release. The 
2.5.0 release containing lot of bug fixes and enhancements (for example 
braille table improvements), since 2.5.0 version the Python bindings is 
both Python2 and Python3 compatible.
I using Liblouis 2.5.1 release with Ubuntu 12.04 without any problem.
Liblouis 2.5.0 version containing following bug fixes and new features:
"The liblouis developer team is proud to announce the liblouis release 
The release is available for download at:



Liblouis is an open-source braille translator and back-translator. It
features support for computer, literary and math braille, supports
contracted and uncontracted translation for many, many languages[1].
It plays an important role in an open source accessibility stack and
is used by screenreaders such as NVDA and Orca. A companion project
liblouisutdml/liblouisxml[2] deals with formatting of braille.

Changes in this release

This release contains a tremendous amount of work many developers.
Many long standing bugs have been fixed. The tables can finally be in
UTF-8. A grand table cleanup removed duplication from the tables.
There are now two extensive test frameworks for table writers. A
number of new tables have been contributed on top of the usual
assortment of table improvements. Thanks to all of this liblouis has
already seen quite a bit of uptake in a number of places, notably the
new DAISY pipeline will ship with this release of liblouis.

NOTE: If you have private tables you might want to migrate them to
utf-8. To do this just use iconv as follows:

   $ iconv -f latin-1 -t utf-8 <input >output

New features
* New Braille tables
   - Estonian grade 0, thanks to Jürgen Dengo.
   - Portuguese 8 dot Computer braille, Thanks to Rui Fontes
* UTF-8 support in tables
   Braille tables can now contain UTF-8 in the opcode arguments.
* Improvements to the python bindings
   All constants defined in liblouis.h are now exposed in the bindings.
* Add a doctest infrastructure
   These tests are based on the Python doctest framework and are only
   run if there is a Python interpreter on the system
* Add a test harness
   This test infrastructure allows the user to do table tests in a
   simple and concise syntax. These tests are based on the Python
   nose testing framework and are only run if either Python 2.x or
   3.x with the related nose python module is installed on the
   system. See the documentation for more information. Thanks to
   Mesar Hameed.
* Add a test harness generator
   A harness generator that uses simple text files with a little
   formatting to help to generate the json harness files. The purpose
   of this tool is to make it much easier and faster to add checks
   for a given table. You are expected to read the generated harness
   file and make necessary changes, the tool only helps you to get
   the tests into the harness format, not check their validity.
* Support for Python 3 in the Python bindings
   The Python bindings now work for both Python 2 and Python 3.
   Thanks to Michael Whapples.

Improved C-based test framework
   - Improved the test framework to be able to test translations
     involving Unicode.
   - Added numerous tests, e.g. for lowercase and Unicode, for the
     input position, for repeated, etc.

Improved the documentation
   - Document the test harness (json format, fields, flags).
   - Document the use of Valgrind to find memory leaks
   - Improve the documentation on the display opcode

Bug fixes
   - lou_allround and lou_translate now properly handle Unicode
   - Fix some issues reported by Valgrind
   - Fix inputPos for situation where context and multipass opcodes
     are involved
   - Fixed a number of bugs with the letter, uppercase and lowercase
     opcodes when dealing with Unicode
   - Fixed a couple of bugs with hyphenation (documentation, Python
     bindings and a number of buffer overruns in the C library).
     Thanks Milan Zamazal <pdm at brailcom.org> for reporting this.
   - Fix a bug in the $a. matcher in the multipass rules where only 32
     chars were matched. It now matches 0xffff chars.
   - Fix a bug reported by James Teh related to pass1Only

Braille Table Improvements
   - all table files have consistent encoding, UTF-8.
   - The grand table cleanup: Reorganize the tables to remove
     duplication. Move common parts such as Latin letter, eight and
     six dot digit definitions to separate files which are then
     included. This should ease table maintenance. Thanks to Mesar Hameed.
   - Fixes to de-de-comp8.ctb thanks to Aliminator83 at gmail.com
   - hu1.ctb renamed to hu-hu-g1.ctb
   - hu.ctb renamed to hu-hu-comp8.ctb
   - eo.ctb renamed to eo-g1.ctb
   - Fixes to eo-g1.ctb thanks to Aaron Cannon 
<cannona at fireantproductions.com>
   - hu-hu-g1.ctb: improvements and extensive test harness, with
     working back-translation, Thanks to Hammer Attila
   - Fixes to fr-bfu-comp6.utb and fr-bfu-comp8.utb thanks to Michel
     Such <michel.such at free.fr>
   - Fixes to no-no-g3.ctb thanks to  Lars Bjørndal
     <lars at lamasti.net>"

Liblouis 2.5.1 release containing following bug fixes, released monday 
"The liblouis developer team is proud to announce the liblouis release 
The release is available for download at:


Changes in this release

Braille Table Improvements

- Fix encoding problem in italian table and added more character
   definitions. Thanks to Simone Dal Maso <simone.dalmaso at juvox.it>.
- Rename it-it-g1.utb to it-it-comp6.utb and it-it-g1.utb2 to

Bug fixes

- Fix outputPos and inlen where an input character generates multiple
   output characters."


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