Will be ship Quantal with Liblouis 2.5.0 or 2.5.1 release? Very important packaging a new version to works Orca with contracted braille feature in Ubuntu 12.10.

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 28 07:58:27 UTC 2012

looks like this is 2.4.1 in Debian too

so this is more than a sync request from debian


On 28/09/12 08:17, Hammer Attila wrote:
> Hy,
> With Quantal (Ubuntu 12.10) ship now with Liblouis 2.4.1 release, but 
> this release the Python binding (python-louis package) is not Python3 
> compatible. Orca Screen Reader supports contracted braille feature, 
> but this feature now unusable with Ubuntu 12.10 version, because 
> shipped Liblouis version is too old.
> Liblouis developers released with Liblouis 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 release. 
> The 2.5.0 release containing lot of bug fixes and enhancements (for 
> example braille table improvements), since 2.5.0 version the Python 
> bindings is both Python2 and Python3 compatible.
> I using Liblouis 2.5.1 release with Ubuntu 12.04 without any problem.
> Liblouis 2.5.0 version containing following bug fixes and new features:
> "The liblouis developer team is proud to announce the liblouis release 
> 2.5.0.
> The release is available for download at:
>     http://code.google.com/p/liblouis/downloads/list
> Introduction
> ------------
> Liblouis is an open-source braille translator and back-translator. It
> features support for computer, literary and math braille, supports
> contracted and uncontracted translation for many, many languages[1].
> It plays an important role in an open source accessibility stack and
> is used by screenreaders such as NVDA and Orca. A companion project
> liblouisutdml/liblouisxml[2] deals with formatting of braille.
> Changes in this release
> -----------------------
> This release contains a tremendous amount of work many developers.
> Many long standing bugs have been fixed. The tables can finally be in
> UTF-8. A grand table cleanup removed duplication from the tables.
> There are now two extensive test frameworks for table writers. A
> number of new tables have been contributed on top of the usual
> assortment of table improvements. Thanks to all of this liblouis has
> already seen quite a bit of uptake in a number of places, notably the
> new DAISY pipeline will ship with this release of liblouis.
> NOTE: If you have private tables you might want to migrate them to
> utf-8. To do this just use iconv as follows:
>   $ iconv -f latin-1 -t utf-8 <input >output
> New features
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * New Braille tables
>   - Estonian grade 0, thanks to Jürgen Dengo.
>   - Portuguese 8 dot Computer braille, Thanks to Rui Fontes
> * UTF-8 support in tables
>   Braille tables can now contain UTF-8 in the opcode arguments.
> * Improvements to the python bindings
>   All constants defined in liblouis.h are now exposed in the bindings.
> * Add a doctest infrastructure
>   These tests are based on the Python doctest framework and are only
>   run if there is a Python interpreter on the system
> * Add a test harness
>   This test infrastructure allows the user to do table tests in a
>   simple and concise syntax. These tests are based on the Python
>   nose testing framework and are only run if either Python 2.x or
>   3.x with the related nose python module is installed on the
>   system. See the documentation for more information. Thanks to
>   Mesar Hameed.
> * Add a test harness generator
>   A harness generator that uses simple text files with a little
>   formatting to help to generate the json harness files. The purpose
>   of this tool is to make it much easier and faster to add checks
>   for a given table. You are expected to read the generated harness
>   file and make necessary changes, the tool only helps you to get
>   the tests into the harness format, not check their validity.
> * Support for Python 3 in the Python bindings
>   The Python bindings now work for both Python 2 and Python 3.
>   Thanks to Michael Whapples.
> Improved C-based test framework
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   - Improved the test framework to be able to test translations
>     involving Unicode.
>   - Added numerous tests, e.g. for lowercase and Unicode, for the
>     input position, for repeated, etc.
> Improved the documentation
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   - Document the test harness (json format, fields, flags).
>   - Document the use of Valgrind to find memory leaks
>   - Improve the documentation on the display opcode
> Bug fixes
> ~~~~~~~~~~
>   - lou_allround and lou_translate now properly handle Unicode
>     characters
>   - Fix some issues reported by Valgrind
>   - Fix inputPos for situation where context and multipass opcodes
>     are involved
>   - Fixed a number of bugs with the letter, uppercase and lowercase
>     opcodes when dealing with Unicode
>   - Fixed a couple of bugs with hyphenation (documentation, Python
>     bindings and a number of buffer overruns in the C library).
>     Thanks Milan Zamazal <pdm at brailcom.org> for reporting this.
>   - Fix a bug in the $a. matcher in the multipass rules where only 32
>     chars were matched. It now matches 0xffff chars.
>   - Fix a bug reported by James Teh related to pass1Only
> Braille Table Improvements
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   - all table files have consistent encoding, UTF-8.
>   - The grand table cleanup: Reorganize the tables to remove
>     duplication. Move common parts such as Latin letter, eight and
>     six dot digit definitions to separate files which are then
>     included. This should ease table maintenance. Thanks to Mesar Hameed.
>   - Fixes to de-de-comp8.ctb thanks to Aliminator83 at gmail.com
>   - hu1.ctb renamed to hu-hu-g1.ctb
>   - hu.ctb renamed to hu-hu-comp8.ctb
>   - eo.ctb renamed to eo-g1.ctb
>   - Fixes to eo-g1.ctb thanks to Aaron Cannon 
> <cannona at fireantproductions.com>
>   - hu-hu-g1.ctb: improvements and extensive test harness, with
>     working back-translation, Thanks to Hammer Attila
>   - Fixes to fr-bfu-comp6.utb and fr-bfu-comp8.utb thanks to Michel
>     Such <michel.such at free.fr>
>   - Fixes to no-no-g3.ctb thanks to  Lars Bjørndal
>     <lars at lamasti.net>"
> Liblouis 2.5.1 release containing following bug fixes, released monday 
> evening:
> "The liblouis developer team is proud to announce the liblouis release 
> 2.5.1.
> The release is available for download at:
>     http://code.google.com/p/liblouis/downloads/list
> Changes in this release
> -----------------------
> Braille Table Improvements
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> - Fix encoding problem in italian table and added more character
>   definitions. Thanks to Simone Dal Maso <simone.dalmaso at juvox.it>.
> - Rename it-it-g1.utb to it-it-comp6.utb and it-it-g1.utb2 to
>   it-it-comp8.utb.
> Bug fixes
> ~~~~~~~~~
> - Fix outputPos and inlen where an input character generates multiple
>   output characters."
> Attila

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