ubuntu 11.10 orca and speakup do not work together

Justin Harford blindstein at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 21:21:39 UTC 2012

Hi again all

I'm sorry about the inconsistancies, but it seems like my system does
not always work consistantly. Now it is insisting in only premitting
me to access speakup. I could not even get orca to sound off by
logging in to the desktop first. I'm emailing from lynx and gmail now
using speakup.

This is a strange problem.

Justin Harford

On 1/20/12, Justin Harford <blindstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> Has this worked for anyone?
> Thanks
> Justin Harford
> On 20-01-2012, at 4:08, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seems that the problem happens if you use the same login to access speakup
>> and the GUI interface.
>> If you use a  login in speakup different than the login  used in the
>> graphical environment, you can use orca and speakup at the same time.
>> On 01/20/2012 02:10 AM, Justin Harford wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Subject says it all, I find that I cannot get orca and speakup to run at
>>> the same time on my installation of ubuntu 11.10. It's either one or the
>>> other, but never both at the same time. I can tell that both of them are
>>> running. For example now, I can hear speakup. I can confirm that orca is
>>> running because I see the start up splash thing when orca executes, I
>>> just don't hear anything.
>>> It seems like part of my problem has to do with running pulseaudio in
>>> system mode. I downloaded the pulsesystem and pulseuser scripts, made by
>>> the vinux team, and executed the pulsesystem script in /etc/local/bin
>>> after changing its permissions to 755. I restarted the machine, and same
>>> result, orca mute, speakup running.
>>> It seems that I am getting this bug:
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/886700
>>> when I try to execute
>>> espeak hello
>>> in the gnome-terminal, which suggests that my problem might have
>>> something to do with alsa. Any ideas?
>>> Regards
>>> Justin Harford
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