Accessibility suggestion and Bug

Petra Ritter petra at
Sat Jan 21 15:06:59 UTC 2012


I managed it to change the Mouse cursor  in Coror and Size.

I used the folowing comand
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Then in the three viev of the dconf-edithor
org -> gnome -> desktop -> interface
then change the Cursor size and the Cursor-Themes to my need.

After that
- Alt-F2
compiz --replace

This works fine for me exept in the Desktop itself  it doesn't work at 
all. At the desktop the Mouse Cursor has no canged.
As I have understood there is a bug in Compiz that caused the problem.

I think it would be nice to have solved this Problem in ubuntu 12.04.

Now to my suggestion:
I think it would be helpfull to be able to cange the appirence of the 
Mouse Cursor in the dialog for the mouse settings. Because many elder 
Peoble have Problem to see the mouse corusor but don't need the 
hight-Contrast themes.

Best regards

Petra Ritter


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